Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaBloPoMo Here I Come!
Joe's Month of Movies

"There but for the Grace of God, goes God"

~ Herman Mankiewicz, co-writer of Citizen Kane, on Orson Welles, who tried to have Mankiewicz's screenwriting credit removed from Citizen Kane.

I am going to do my damndest to hit a movie a day during this month; not necessarily reviews and not disections either (although some may be both or neither). Most will be personal thoughts, impressions or just little non-sequitor notes.

I'll start tomorrow with Saw, which I finally saw (no pun, seriously) this week in the spirit of Halloween.


Gertrude said...

Good on you! Hope ou make it.

Misti Ridiculous said...

HEY! i left a comment earlier today and no show. huh. LOVE the new look of the place, though! looking forward to reading this month!