Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm Losing My Patience

With the intellectual laziness that abounds in America. The Big Picture Irony here is that in an age where we have more information available to us than at any other time in human history, we, as a nation, seem to think that we can absorb, by some kind of pop culture osmosis, everything we need to know about an event, an issue or a candidate by only reading headlines or only listening to sound bites.

Why do reporters even bother asking questions anymore? Rarely is an actual response to the question posited ever given; rather, the interviewee pounces on the first keyword they hear and proceed to paraphrase or, more often, regurgitate an oft rehearsed tangental self serving essay that digs about as deep as a spork would into permafrost.

John McCain should be ashamed of himself. He has traded the lives and memories of his fellow POW's, those who returned from Southeast Asia and especially those who did not, for a non-responsive and increasingly foolish sounding 'get out of interview free card'.

On The Tonight Show tonight, Jay Leno and McCain traded softballs and semi-updated takes on Henny Youngman's act in a pre-taped segment until Leno, the good little sychophant, told McCain that he'd give him $1,000,000 dollars if McCain could tell him how many houses he actually owns, to which McCain replied....wait for it when I was a POW for five years, I didn't have a home, I didn't have a kitchen table. Because that's the answer we were all hoping he'd give, right?

Just as Guiliani and Bush became incapable of uttering a statement in public that didn't include the words 'terrorism' and '9/11', so has McCain achieved the same level of moronic and malicious betrayal of the American public's respect for those who have served and sacrificed for their country, by now constructing each sentence, for which does not have a campaign worthy approved vomit point, with POW at it's core.

Here is an example of McCain directly sticking it to a fellow veteran while directly avoiding that dreaded Republican kryptonite--The Truth.

Please watch this entire video and ask yourself this: Why should McCain's former POW status matter to us, since it seems to mean so little him?


Gertrude said...

Okay. That should be published in the NYT. That was the best 500 word theme ever. Joseph! Genuis!
The Race Card.
The Pow card.
The I am not a Bush card.
Its all digusting and sad and not even a bit social.
When he loses the press will run photos of him in full uniform and all his medals sitting at one of his kitchen tables with his Little Green Army Men all around him and you know... thats not even fair.
Little Green Army men rule! And I don't think they would even play with his sorry ass!

SP said...

Thank You.

Thank you for understanding where I am coming from, and thank you for comprehending exactly where McCain is using his former status as, in Bush the Younger's phrase, 'political capital' 'which (he) intend(s) to use.

Of course, the longer and deeper the Republican Party can make the American People afraid, the longer and deeper their overall distrust in American Politics becomes.

If an American Veteran, such as McCain, who has already been thoroughly discredited by his own party, for the 'greater good' of his own party (see: the Bush/Rove campaign of 2000), says, either directly or indirectly, without a shred of Truth, that he has a 'perfect record' in voting for Veteran Benefits, when the converse is indisputably true, how foolish are we, as a nation, to think that he will stand beside us, let alone stand up for us, once the winds of Truth and Perception change course, revealing that a legacied Anapolis Pilot, who scored far below all necessary standards of his age, save that of having a father and grandfather who both acheived the rank of Admiral and distinguished graduate of the Naval Academy, that he [McCain] was a despicably sub-par naval aviator, who, as the Man asking us to lead them in an increasingly complex and unwinnable foregin campaign, was never really that good at war in the first place.

It's like hiring a person to oversee Security in your company whose beginning credentials rested solely on being caught, captured and jailed for pinching paper clips and cases of copier paper. He wasn't that good at the WAR thing to begin with!

Do you think that 30+ years sucking at the teet of special interest groups and public opinion better qualify him to lead this nation into a Brave New World by applying Fear-Mongering Old Boy politics?

He's sold out his fellow veterans, who's to say he won't sell us out, too?