Sunday, September 13, 2009

Know Your Audience
What the Hell Do I Know?

It doesn't take a webbot to figure out that I don't post too very often. What the webbot can't figure out is why I don't post too very often. It's my blog and even I can't answer that. It probably has something to do with my own over-editing and a reluctance to put something, anything, out here that isn't what I consider worthy of bothering other people with.

Years ago, eons before blogs, back when I was borrowing her Brother word processor to type up some of my stuff at her Apartment in the Shadow of the Golden Fried Chicken, Gert described this reluctance to me, as she saw it, like this:

"You're so worried about leaving any trace of proof for posterity that every single thing that ever came out of you wasn't Joe Perfect and it's a shame. You need to get over that."

As is usually the case when it comes to figuring me out, she was right. And that was YEARS ago. And as is usually the case when it comes to working my own wrinkles out, I haven't gotten much better.

But here's a good example of why I finally should just knock it off and stop being so damn me about it. I checked my sitemeter earlier today and found some very interesting stats. Now, I'm a stat rat at heart, so I love this shit, and what I found, I guess, surprised me; though I'm not sure what I was expecting to find.

By leaps and bounds, by an overwelming margin, by, like, a 20 to 1 ratio, the most popular post of all time here on Some Things is....this silly thing.

A little ditty I threw up here without much thought, and more to be able to crow about the victory that was fixing that damn shower. Gert and I had been vice-grip dependent in the shower for far too long at that point for me to not shout its success from the blogtops.

Now, I realize that people are not going back to this post because of the prose. It probably pops up when you search 'shower stems', 'shower handles', 'shower stem socket wrench' and/or 'hardware stores', who knows? And if the people of the interwebnets come looking for step-by-step, Bob Villa-style help, I know they leave disappointed, but, maybe not. Nah, probably they do.

So, true believers, the lesson today (for me, here) is to "...(d)on't think Meat, just throw."

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I think I did get that entry when I was looking up 'shower stems' once. It was way before I knew you. I was going to be a big girl and replace my leaky shower and bath stems. I took it all apart only to realize that the old ones were a non standard type that were no longer sold any more.

Despite my failure, I found the entry very useful.