Thursday, January 3, 2008

Things to Think About Thursday:
Resolute for Me!

This may be like (somewhere between) opening Pandora's Box and handing over the Keys to the Kingdom, but here it is...

Pick My New Year's Resolutions for Me.

I'm not asking because I don't care, or don't want to take the time, I want honest answers from Those Who Know what I do and don't do well or at all.

Even if you don't know me from Adam or from anywhere but here and on related pages, let 'er rip, Chip!

This is a Waiver of Repercussions to speak freely and to map it all out.

If nothing else, it'll give lots of springboards for other posts, eh?


Gertrude said...

I think you started it out with a bang. I think you should try to keep banging.

Kizz said...

Find a job you really love that pays you a decent wage.

Clean the toilet twice so Gert's OCD will stop drinking all the vino.


Bang a gong.

Resolve not to make any more resolutions.

SP said...

Good ones all. The current firm pays well, even if it's contract work (note to self: quarterly tax payments).

Got the toilet covered. One down already, and damn! if it isn't a nicer place to spend some time to think and read. I think I'll keep it that way.

I do plan on making both T-Rex and Power Station proud of me this year.

I usually refrain from making lists that will come back and haunt me, I typically keep a running (read: non-concrete and immaterial) list in my head...

Best case scenario/short answer is to get caught up on life and keep caught up so that resolutions aren't so necessary.

Misti Ridiculous said...

One for all of us...think about what we will do for ourselves in the coming year, that will insure we are not in the EXACT SAME SPOT we are now. eh?

ChromePlatedGirl said...

Dude, it's Monday. Blog it up, will ya?
What I am I supposed to do all day at
I think not.

SP said...

Easy there, Cha Cha. Der Bankster is in the kitchen, the dish is not quite finished don't want it undercooked, do ya?

You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles