Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise."

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

German playwright, poet, novelist and dramatist
"A man always has two reasons for what he does—a good one and the real one."

~John Pierpont Morgan (1837 - 1913)

U.S. financier, art collector, and philanthropist

Friday, August 24, 2007

Think Snack

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

~Margaret Mead (1901–1978)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How Do These Help the Color-Blind?

Your Kiss is Green

Your kisses are short and sweet - at least a first.
You tend to be a cautious kisser. You don't want to scare anyone off.
Once you get to know someone, your kisses are daring... and even wild.
No matter what the situation is, you know how to deliver the perfect kiss.

Kissing Type: Varied

People See Your Kisses as: Skillful

You Kiss Best With: A Blue Kisser

Stay away from: A Black Kisser

Thursday, August 16, 2007

An Old Post from an Old Blog Gone By the Wayside: All Shook Up

LONDON - A guard dog has ripped apart a collection of rare teddy bears, including one once owned by Elvis Presley, during a rampage at a children’s museum.

“He just went berserk,” said Daniel Medley, general manager of the Wookey Hole Caves near Wells, England, where hundreds of bears were chewed up Tuesday night by the 6-year-old Doberman pinscher named Barney.

Barney ripped the head off a brown stuffed bear once owned by the young Presley during the attack, leaving fluffy stuffing and bits of bears’ limbs and heads on the museum floor. The bear, named Mabel, was made in 1909 by the German manufacturer Steiff.

The collection, valued at more than $900,000, included a red bear made by Farnell in 1910 and a Bobby Bruin made by Merrythought in 1936.

The bear with Elvis connections was owned by English aristocrat Benjamin Slade, who bought it at an Elvis memorabilia auction in Memphis, Tenn., and had loaned it to the museum.

“I’ve spoken to the bear’s owner and he is not very pleased at all,” Medley said. A security guard at the museum, Greg West, said he spent several minutes chasing Barney before wrestling the dog to the ground.

How would you like to have to make that phone call...

Hello? Mr. Slade? This is Greg, Greg West, I work nights at Wookey Hole.

No, sir, Wookey Hole Caves.

No sir, we are a museum.

For children.

Yes, Mabel's new home...actually, Mr. Slade, Mabel's the reason I'm calling sir.

Mr. Slade, you know, you were so nice to loan Mabel to us, ~which, let me take this opportunity to thank you once again for your extremely generous contribution to our, er, invaluable collection~ there's been a bit of a, you are, of course, insured, aren't you?....

No, sir, there's no problem per se, just a bit of an unexpected development in our display, actually, each person's personal definition of "problem" being a bit subjective may possibly play a part here...you do recall signing the waiver of liability for acts of God, don't you sir?.......

Of course not sir, the bear is fine.

Actually, no, that's not entirely true.

On the "Teddy Bears & Friends" standard grading and pricing scale, there may have been a slight decline in the bear's -Mabel, right? It, her name is Mabel?- overall valuation.

One thing, one very BIG thing you still have for you is that no act of God can take away that this was indeed Elvis Presley's teddy--

Yes sir, that is the second time I said act of God....Why?

No, there was no storm.

No, no lightning either.

Or locusts.

Sir, the act of God slip, er, reference, was more to...as we are all God's creatures -you are a God fearing man, aren't you, Mr.. Slade?

I know I am, scared to death of God and my mother-in-law...and emus (childhood) never mind the birds though- but as a God fearing man and as a believer that each of us, even those of "us" in the animal kingdom are an extension, if you will, of our Divine Creator, then all actions of organic, carbon-based persons or beasts are, it could be argued, are, in fact, acts of God...

Yes sir....

No sir....

Of course, sir....


I understand sir.

We do take great pride in our relationship with you Mr. Slade...

I am personally appalled...

I had no idea he was your cousin thrice removed by common law...

Yes, that is a great point....

I like that one, too...

Aabout your great aunt, no less, -hunh-...

I see...it's just...

Well, my dog ate your bear....

Mr. Slade? Sir?

That Explains the Candlesticks...

You're Les Miserables!

by Victor Hugo

One of the best known people in your community, you have become
something of a phenomenon. People have sung about you, danced in your honor, created all
manner of art in your name. And yet your story is one of failure and despair, with a few
brief exceptions. A hopeless romantic, you'll never stop hoping that more good will come
from your failings than is ever possible. Beware detectives and prison guards bearing

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.